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Am I Covered - Theft from an unattended unlocked vehicle

Business Owners Policy's (BOP) have exclusions. Not all, but some have an exclusion that reads something like this, "theft from any unattended vehicle unless at the time of theft its windows, doors and compartments were closed and locked and there are visible signs that the theft was the result of forced entry. But this exclusion does not apply to property in the custody of a carrier for hire."

Lock your doors. Better yet, don't leave your gear in an unattended vehicle. If you must, make sure it's out of site from the outside or lock it in the trunk.

How do you insure your equipment in case you have a brain lapse and forget to lock your vehicle door? Add Inland Marine coverage (scheduled commercial articles) to your policy. An Inland Marine (strange name, I know) Commercial Articles requires that you schedule your equipment. It does NOT have the above exclusion. Solution - You're covered. And that's a great feeling and even better news if this kind of loss occurs.

Tidbit - Tradition suggests that the term Inland Marine began in England with the underwriters at Lloyd's of London in the 1600's. Merchants and transportation companies wanting to insure their cargo for land and marine shipments purchased "Inland marine" coverage.

Request A Quote and we will customize a strong insurance program for you.

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